Monitoring and encouraging sustainable behaviour – micro:bit

  • May 4, 2023
  • 107

17 May, Monitor and Encourage Sustainable Behaviour, micro:bit, ON DEMAND #CSscot23

This is pre-recorded session for you to watch with your class at your own leisure. The video will be made available from 17th May at 11am within the Curriculum Live Channel.

Encouraging those around you to make better choices in their sustainable behaviour is hard. One important thing to encourage change is to convince them with data. Using the data logging feature on the BBC micro:bit, we will build a manual data logger to allow you to gather data for your local area. You could look at transport on the way to school or the types of litter in your local environment. The choice is yours but remember collecting the data is only the first step. Then you need to think about how you will present and share that data in order to make a difference.

This session is suitable for 2nd – 4th Level learners.

This session is based on the traffic survey project –

Book your place here to access the On Demand recording for your class!

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